Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pajama Days

I've found that, since becoming a mom, I've had quite a few "pajama days."

Does that make me sound lazy?

I figure this won't always be the case, since, as the children grow, they will become involved with more and more, and I'll be chauffeuring.  Ergo, I choose to just enjoy these days while they last.  If I don't have to go anywhere, Baby and I stay in our jammies all day.

And sometimes, it's just the best thing anyway -- like when you're going to be covered in snot.  Because the baby is dealing with yet another cold, and baby noses seem to hold a lot of snot!  And she sure does love to rub her face against my shirt when she's tired...  Haha.  That's the glamorous life of a mommy, I suppose.  And I love it.

In my pajamas ;).

What are you grateful for today?

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