Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Wonderful Husband Jeremy

My husband's job requires that he works different shifts.  Usually this changes every month.  Currently he is on swing shift (working 2 p.m. until 10 p.m.) 5 days a week.  Which is preferable to swing shift for 4 days a week (which means he works until midnight).  When he isn't working swings, he's usually working days.  But when the project really gets going (or is really pushing the envelope for getting finished on time), I have no doubt there will be a grave shift month thrown in there too.  And I really dread that one.

Generally speaking, swing shift is my favorite shift.  I'm a night person.  I really prefer not to do mornings...  And after I get the baby down for the night, I have several hours that are all mine.  It's a beautiful thing.

Last night was a different story though...  I went to bed before Jeremy got home (which I rarely do) in an effort to get a little extra sleep (Baby Girl has decided to start waking up between 6 and 6:30 rather than 7 or 7:30).  I figured he'd be home within 30 minutes of me getting into bed and I'd hear him come in before drifting off to sleep.  Not so.  11:00 came and went.  Then 11:30.  It's been known to happen that, since there isn't currently a grave-shift working, if something unforeseen happens, swing shift stays on until it's resolved.  So I told myself not to worry -- that he'd be home soon.  I managed to drift off a little.  Until midnight, when the cuckoo clock woke me back up.  I can't say I adore this clock, but my husband does, so I tolerate it ;).  Upon realizing it was midnight and he still wasn't home, I got worried.  I even came out to the living room to find a contact number and call his work.  (I've never had occasion to call him at work, so this was a first).  The phone was busy.  So again, I told myself to go to bed -- that if the phone was busy, it meant they were all still there and trying to resolve some issue.  But I'm a worrier by nature.  Try as a may, I cannot shut off my brain and all the what if ifs (after all, he does walk home late at night, and there are crazy things that happen)...  And so, it was in this state of my crazy mind that I thought, "How awful would it be if something had happened, and I'd never dedicated a "grateful" post to my sweet husband?"

I'm happy to report I finally got through to him at work around 1 a.m.  And managed to drift off into light sleep until I heard him come in a little after 2 a.m.  At which point I completely zonked out.  Because I'm just able to sleep better when he is home.  It just is.

So yeah... Long story about why I've chosen to make Jeremy my grateful for today.  Officially on the blog, that is.  Because I'm grateful for him most days :).  I say most, because there are those pouty days where we have a tiff and I'm being a dork.  But even then, I can still acknowledge a reason to be grateful for this wonderful man I married.  And even on those days, if he didn't come home until 4 hours after he normally does, I'd still be out of my mind with worry.  Because I love him.  Incredibly.

I am grateful for the way he makes me laugh.  Sometimes he drives me crazy with his silliness.  But it does make me giggle and laugh.  And I'm grateful.  Sometimes I laugh so hard at the way he says things with such incredulity.  For example...  Back before the baby was born, we randomly decided to trade the way we slept in bed one night and sleep with our heads where our feet usually are (oh, I think we were trying to figure out if a chemically smell we kept smelling was coming from in the wall by our heads or not).  Jeremy made this whole production of turning the mattress so our head would still be where our heads usually were (on the mattress).  I told him I figured we would just put our pillows on the bottom, not go to all that trouble.  With the most shocked expression (and in complete sincerity) he said, "You mean sleep with our heads where we put our feet!?!?!"  Something about it made me laugh so hard.

I am grateful he does our taxes.  I hate doing taxes.  (This is on my mind since he just spent the last 4 hours hogging the computer to do them ;))...

I am so grateful that he felt as I did:  that it was important for me to be home with our children.  He encourages me and supports me in being a stay-at-home-mom.  What a blessing that is!

I am grateful that he takes his responsibility as provider for our family seriously.  That he goes to work every day to make a living, to supply health insurance, to put away money for our future.  He is a good man.

I am grateful that he is a hard worker.  Not just in his employment and willingness to work to support our family, but also in other ways.  Every time we go to Alabama (okay, so we've only been twice so far), he helps my dad with a lot of projects that require a lot of physical labor.  I know my dad appreciates it.  And I know I do too.

I'm grateful that he is an outside-of-the-box thinker.  Because I am definitely NOT.  He finds resourceful ways to fix things and solve problems.  And I am consistently amazed with his ability to do so. 

I am grateful that he is creative and mechanically inclined and able to build things (and fix things).  Like our bed.  And my can rotation rack thing -- which I still love.

I'm grateful for the way he helps us be prepared for the curve balls of life.

I'm grateful for the way he helps me be a better person.

And I'm grateful he's my husband. 

What are you grateful for today?

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