Friday, January 3, 2014

Awesome Grocery Store Deals

Seeing as today was payday, I figured it wise to re-stock the house.

And start stocking the can rotater (I think I totally made up that word) one item at a time.  (This time it was chicken broth :)).

I generally attribute awesome grocery store deals to tender mercies from the Lord.  And blessings that come because of choices we make.  I know I have witnessed miracles in my life during times when money was very tight for me, and I was determined to live within my means and not take on any more debt (like when I was in Tuscaloosa).  I could go to the grocery store during the time when rent was due, leaving me about $30 to buy groceries for 2 weeks.  And without fail, I always was able to get everything on my list -- and usually a couple extras.  And I didn't exist on ramen noodles, either.  I know those were miracles, blessings, tender mercies.  And I will forever have a testimony of tithing and how the Lord fulfills His promises because of my time in Tuscaloosa.

But I digress.

True, money isn't as tight for me now as it was then.  But I do still have a budget my husband and I agreed upon.  And I make a lot of effort to stay within my budget when I do shopping.  So I consider it a tender mercy when I know I'm getting low on meat in the freezer and will need to purchase some this pay period... when I know meat is probably one of the most expensive items I purchase... and the ads arrive and boneless skinless chicken breasts are on sale (yeah, I know that's the pricier stuff, but it's the only way I eat chicken... I'm so picky about that) and the lean ground beef is also on good sale...  Well, I consider it a blessing for my budget.  And I go and stock up for those times when it's not on sale. 

And then it's even awesomer (yeah, I made that one up too ;)) to also find some nice looking petite sirloin steaks on a screaming deal...  Buy one, get 2 free!  And so I figure:  why not?  That's a whole lot of food -- meat -- I just plopped into my freezer.  That's a whole lot of meals.  (And I don't generally buy steak, but this was a deal I felt was too good to pass up!)

So yeah...  these types of things are rockin' because they bless my life, but also because it's just fun to feel like I'm getting a good deal and being wise with money at the same time.

What are you grateful for today?

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