Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Awesome (Former) Workplaces (With Even Awesomer Former Co-Workers!)

Today I visited two of my former workplaces.  One was a library (my former boss from that job is retiring and leaving the state, so Baby Girl and I went to say good-bye and wish her well).  The other was the County (a former co-worker is retiring and invited me to attend her retirement party, so we did!). 

And it occurred to me today that I have always worked in awesome places.  I'm not saying I've always had awesome jobs.  But I've always worked in awesome places -- and for the most part, the jobs were pretty great too (there have been times when the job was a little frustrating, though).  I think the reason I think on my past workplaces so fondly (and am happy to return to them to visit) is because of the people with whom I was blessed to work.  Really amazing people.  People who have always welcomed me back when I return to visit. 

What a blessing that is.  Because, really, the co-workers can really make or break a work experience in my opinion.

As I was contemplating this, while rocking my sweet girl to sleep tonight, I realized that I return to almost all of the places I used to work, whenever I can.  Whether that's here or Alabama, it remains true. 

Maybe it's because these places shaped me.  The people in them shaped me. 

Maybe it's because of how much I learned in these places...  I learned how to do some fiscal-type stuff...  I've learned how to find my way around a cemetery (it's a skill, trust me)...  I've learned how to process a library book (though that changes from place to place, but I do understand that there is a process for preparing library material for circulation and use)...  I learned how to catalog (somewhat) library materials... 

Maybe it's becuase I made some of my best memories in these places...  Like being from the top of one library (literally -- the roof) to the very bottom (literally -- to the "page rec room" where an old brick wall still stood under that building from the old school building that used to stand there)...  Like finding out rats were nesting under the bookshelf right next to me and my cubicle (okay, it's nasty... but hilarious story nonetheless)...  Like sewing quilts during lunch breaks...  Like working crossword puzzles with the crematory operator... 

Or maybe it's because I met some of my dearest friends in these places...  Like Lea... Or Julie... Or Annie...  Or Donna...  Or Anne, Kristin, Sue, Sylvia, Angel...  I should probably stop there, because this list could go on forever. 

The point is, I've been blessed to have worked in some really awesome places with some really awesome people.  It was hard to leave when the time had come.  But I'm grateful I carry them with me in my heart -- and that the people are still such a big part of my life.

What are you grateful for today?

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