Tuesday, April 8, 2014

City Parks

Though not as beautiful -- and warm -- as yesterday, today (for at least part of it) was a nice day.  And since I was taking the munchkin to baby story time anyway...  We left a little early and stopped by one of the city parks.

One with a baby swing :)!  I was so excited to have found out about this park from another friend.  I didn't even remember it existed, but I definitely will be going back! 

So today was full of some firsts for our little girl.  She did some swinging.  She wasn't too sure what to think of it.  She didn't cry.  She mostly just looked around at the other people who were visiting the park.

And she felt grass.  I even took her socks off.  She wasn't sure about that either!  She just sat there not touching it with her hands.  It was funny.

I didn't ever really think about it before; but I'm so grateful for these free parks that are kept beautiful, clean, and maintained so that I have a place I can take our girl on beautiful days.  I look forward to having a backyard one of these days, but until then, I'm glad there are options.  And I'm definitely looking forward to some sunny days ahead in which we can visit the park :).

What are you grateful for today?

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