Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Niece Saria's Help

It's Spring Break in these parts.  And I decided to have my niece come help me with the munchkin for the day.  Mostly as someone to entertain the baby so I could get other things done.

It was fabulous.

Not that Baby Girl is a difficult child.  But I get fewer projects done with her, because she takes up a lot of my time.  Which is fine, because that's what motherhood is all about.  But since I had the option of help, which also gave my niece an opportunity to earn a little moolah, I took it!

And she was an amazing helper.  Both my husband and I were able to work on some projects while Baby Girl was happily playing with her cousin.  She loves all her cousins and just laughs and laughs and laughs at everything they do. 

We went shopping.  To Costco and Target and WinCo.  I don't know why, but it's so much easier having an (almost) 13 year old along to help with things. 

And taking a shower without a baby trying to dig in the bathroom trash can is a wonderful event...  (She usually ends up in time out for touching the garbage cans, but when I'm dripping wet in the shower, the consistency on that kind of goes out the window...). 

Yep, my niece is amazing.  She was a huge help for me today, and I'm glad I got to spend time with her to boot!  I am loving seeing her mature into a beautiful young woman.  She really is a great person, and I'm glad to call her my niece!

What are you grateful for today?

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