Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Baby's Baby Book

In my family, I am baby #2.  Which means my baby book is very skimpily (read almost not-at-all) filled out. 

I totally get why this is -- especially now that I have a baby of my own! 

But it is why I decided to make every effort to have baby books -- completed -- for all my babies :).

I can remember going shopping with my friend Lea to find a baby book for our impending arrival.  At the time, we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, so we went with something neutral.  And we were quite surprised that it wasn't the easiest task to even find a baby book!  But we did :).  And I set to work filling it out. 

And every month or so, I do my best to flip back through and fill in things.  Sometimes even more frequently, if she has one of her firsts moments :).  Don't want to forget those!

And the truth is, I already love flipping through this little book.  And she's not even a year old yet (though that is rapidly approaching!).  So I can only imagine how I will treasure it in the years ahead.  And how much I hope she'll treasure it when she is grown and gone and takes it with her to show her babies one day.  But let's not think too much about that right now... It's liable to make me a little weepy!

I'm grateful for baby books such as this which prompt me to take note of important moments and help me strive to capture moments of time in pictures.  I'm grateful for a place to record this time, which is passing so quickly, in which my baby girl is growing so incredibly fast.  A place to collect all the memories and keep them together.  It's a wonderful thing.

What are you grateful for today?

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