Saturday, April 5, 2014

Being Able to Watch Conference at Home

Every 6 months, members of my faith gather to listen to the Prophet and Apostles speak and share with us the things our Heavenly Father desires for us to know.  We call this General Conference. Now, we don't literally all gather to Salt Lake City, which is where the Conference takes place.  But it is broadcast in real-time across the United States and into many countries.

The last General Conference we had helped me decide to begin this gratitude blog.

It is always a blessing to attend General Conference.  I always feel the Spirit testify to me that the things I am being taught are true.  And I always just feel happy to have attended.

My husband and I used to choose to go to the church building and watch all the sessions of Conference there, even though they are available online and can be viewed easily by anyone.  We felt we were more focused there, so we did that.

But having a baby changes some things.  Now it's easier to be home -- where she can get a nap when she gets tired and fussy!  Where she can roam around and do her things while we are trying to do ours (amidst making sure she doesn't play with the electrical cords and smack the laptop onto the floor...).  And it's kind of nice to get to stay in our pajamas all day too ;).

So I'm grateful for the technology that allows us the opportunity to watch General Conference and listen to the Prophet's voice and hear the words I need to hear and feel the Spirit nudge me as I receive my own inspiration and answers to prayers through hearing the things being taught -- all from the comfort of my home.

It's a blessing indeed.

What are you grateful for today?

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