Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chewed On DVD Cases

A couple days ago, I texted Julie telling her my munchkin wasn't interested in going to sleep...  Instead she was eating DVD cases.  I added that I had to learn to just get over it.

See, once upon a time, back when DVDs weren't all the rage (but VHS tapes were), my movie collection was very well cared for.  Like I left the plastic on the thing and just cuts the bottom out to remove the video for watching.  Apparently the preservation of the cardboard box was of great concern to me. 

I've since had to let that OCD issue lapse.  For one thing, one cannot view a DVD without removing the plastic wrap.  For another...  I have a baby.  And she loves to chew on everything.  And somewhere along the way, I had to decide what really mattered enough for me to say no to. 

I'm not saying I condone damaging and treating carelessly the things we own.  I'm not, however, willing to freak out over the way our DVD cases look.  (The DVDs on the inside will be a no-no... However, we haven't had to deal with that issue yet ;).)  Of course...  The DVDs I borrow from the library are a no-no.  And I didn't realize I didn't have them up far enough out of reach...  So I'm pretty sure I'll be paying for a damaged case this Tuesday.  Boo for that.  But lesson learned for the mommy!

The picture above doesn't really do this justice.  I don't know why, but this girl loves to crawl over to the DVD stand and select a DVD and go to town.

So why be grateful for this?  True, it's an odd thing to be grateful for.  And I'd never actually considered it something for which to be grateful.  Because, frankly, it's rather annoying

But then I got a reply text from Juliebean.  And now, I will never view these chewed-on cases the same ever again.  She laughed and suggested that this be my grateful one day, because one day, they'll be a reminder of this little girl crawling around and getting into everything.  And chewing on DVD cases.  Because one day these days will be gone. 

They are already slipping by so quickly.

And so, I heeded the advice of my dear friend.  Because I'm pretty sure she knows what she's talking about

Thus, today, I'm grateful for chewed-on DVD cases.  Because they'll remind me of a treasured time that passed too quickly -- when my angel baby loved to chew on everything...  Because she was so small.  And what a beautiful reminder they'll be, too.

What are you grateful for today?

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