Monday, April 21, 2014

The Baby Mirror

It's pretty amazing all the things they make for parents.  There are things I never even knew existed before I had a baby shower!

And there were things I never thought I'd own, too.

Fortunately, we know some pretty awesome people who are smarter than we were in those days...  One of those wonderful people gave us this baby mirror -- the kind that you place somewhere so you can see the rear-facing baby's face (assuming you don't bump this mirror and forget to adjust it before you start driving...).

Because this little mirror has gotten tons of use.  I remember constantly glancing in it when our munchkin was an itty bitty.  I remember seeing her head plopped forward when she was about 3 or so weeks old, and I totally pulled over to fix her.  I think it bothered me more than it bothered her, but I for sure had a mini-freak-out session

Now I don't worry so much about her head plopping around so easily, since she has much better control over such things!  But I do like to look in the mirror and watch her sweet face.  Or check to see if she's sleeping.  Or sucking her thumb to go to sleep. 

And I'm definitely grateful the munchkin's awesome Aunt Monica got this as part of the baby shower gift, because I have really appreciated having it! 

What are you grateful for today?

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