Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fresh Produce Year Round

I don't know why this popped into my head today...

Maybe it was the salad I ate with dinner.

Or the strawberries I enjoyed with breakfast -- along with the bananas which I mixed with my yogurt.  The munchkin enjoyed them too, by the way.

Don't get me wrong... I love growing my own garden and having ultra-fresh fruits and veggies (which don't need preservatives sprayed on them to keep them fresh long enough to be sold).  I'm actually quite bummed that this year, I probably won't have one (though I may still plop in a zucchini plant or two over at my grandmother's house).

But the cold weather last a long long time here in Washington State.  And some things just don't grow well in cold temperatures...  And we're not exactly equipped with grow lamps and a greenhouse and whatever all else we'd need to have a year-round indoor garden (do these exist somewhere?).

But that's why I'm so grateful that we do have access to grocery stores where things are shipped in.  Yes, I know there are some downfalls to this.  But it's still such a blessing to be able to eat bananas and avocados when they would never grow here.

I've definitely been guilty of not contemplating the blessing this is in my life.  So I hope to do better in the future about remembering -- and being grateful -- every time I bite into a lovely strawberry in December :).  Or April ;)...

What are you grateful for today?

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