Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Human Kindness

A very tragic event happened to a family near here.  A family I don't know, other than I know they are members of my faith.  Their son was killed in a tragic accident over the weekend. 

When we heard the news at church on Sunday, my heart ached for this family. 

I have learned that, once you are a parent, you ache for those who experience your worst nightmare, even if you don't know them.

A friend of the family set up a site to collect funds for this family for funeral expenses and travel expenses to take their young son home (they are a military family).

In one day, they met (and surpassed) their goal -- which was not an insignificant amount.

It brought tears to my eyes.  It still does. 

It touches me to see the goodness that still exists in this world.  So often, we hear the horrors of what humans can do to each other.

But there is so much good

As I scrolled through the comments left by some who donated to this family in their time of despair and need, I could tell not all of them know this family personally.  Some were parents of children who attended school with their boy.  Others were associated with this family through the father's profession -- and possibly saw him only once or twice.  Still others seemed to have no connection to them at all.  And yet their generous hearts gave. 

At times like this, I think so many want to do good....  To help.  And when a way is offered that they can... they do.

What a blessing to see the goodness of people.  The kindness of humanity.  The love we have as brothers and sisters -- as children of God. 

My heart was touched today.  And I'm grateful I could witness what I witnessed.  Because... what a beautiful thing.

What are you grateful for today?

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