Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby Hugs

Not to be mistaken for baby snuggles (for which I am also grateful) :).  Baby snuggles seem to be less voluntary -- and happen mostly when my sweet girl is working on sleep!  But hugs...  Those are different.

Recently, Baby Girl has learned how to hug.  It's not an official hug that way it will be one day.  But she understands the word -- and when I ask her for a hug, she looks at me, and then lays her head on my left shoulder.  And I wrap my arms around her and hug her and say, "Oh thank you!"  And she wiggles happily in my embrace.

Today, I took advantage of my husband's swing shift schedule and left him home with the munchkin in the morning while I went and did some shopping.  Our sweet girl is a great shopping buddy, don't get me wrong.  But it still saves me a ton of time when I go by myself.  So I took the opportunity today.

Our little miss does great with her daddy.  He's her best play-mate.  But she definitely loves when her mommy comes home.  To say she was a little clingy after I got back is a bit of an understatement.

And I was welcomed with hugs galore from our precious girl.

And they kinda sorta make me super melty inside :).  I love this baby and her hugs (even if she's more toddler than baby these days...).

What are you grateful for today?

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