Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Good Read

I love to read.  When I can find the time ;).

And no, that's not why I planned to become a librarian!  But it certainly didn't hurt.

I read for pleasure.  I don't so much enjoy reading for requirement (like for a research paper).  Most of what I read is fiction.  Because I like to escape into a good story.  I actually quite enjoy historical fiction, because in those cases, someone else has done the research, and I can learn something from my enjoyment reading.  Lazy?  Maybe.  But I call it having my cake and eating it too ;).

I do read some non-fiction.  In fact, that's something I decided to start incorporating into my never-ending "to read" list...  Non-fiction books.  Usually these are books I choose because I'm interested in the topic.  Like ship disasters (I don't know why this interests me, but it always has...) or World War II stuff.  This is where working in libraries was handy... I'd be shelving non-fiction and see a cover that piqued my interest (yes, I sometimes do judge a book by its cover) , so I'd read the blurb and decide to add it to my to-read list. 

But mostly it's fiction.  I try to read a variety -- from children's, Young Adult, and Adult levels.  And many different genres -- historical, classic literature, suspense (I particularly love medical thrillers like Tess Gerritsen's books).  And when I was working in public libraries, I decided it would behoove me to read at least one book by some of the major authors.  I learned I don't understand why Danielle Steele is so popular

I keep multiple lists of the books I've read (because I'm a neurotic list-lover).  And I have an account on  It's perfect for the book-loving list-addict.

Excluding scriptures, I try to never read more than one book at a time.  This "rule" had to be ignored while I was in school, much to my extreme dismay.

I prefer books that have a happy ending.  Especially the fiction ones.  So I'm not so much a fan of the teen "problem novel" genre where sometimes the book just ends without resolution.  I read several of those for graduate school stuff, and I just never could really enjoy them.  But that's me.

So here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order (and I avoided listing some of the hugely popular ones, like Twilight, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games):

Daddy Long Legs -- Jean Webster.  A must-read for pre-teen, teen, and adult girls; at least as far as I'm concerned.  The main character is witty and hilarious and sarcastic. 

In Harm's Way -- Doug Stanton.  The story of the sinking of a battleship in WWII.  Written novel-like, so I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned stuff to boot!

Life As We Knew It -- Susan Beth Pfeffer.  A young adult book about what might happen in a world-wide catastrophic event.  Couldn't put it down.  Scared the bajeebies out of me.  Totally made me want to be prepared.  And read the other two in the series.

The Surgeon -- Tess Gerritsen.  Her first in the Rizzoli/Isles series (yes, it's now a tv show.  No, I've never watched it).  Intense books, but love them.

Al Capone Does My Shirts -- Gennifer Choldenko.  Another young adult (but young young adult).  So stinkin' cute! 

I'm always looking for books to add to my to-read list, so what are your favorites?

Anyway, I just love a good read.  Something with which I can relax.  Something for a little "me time."  And I'm grateful for so many options at my disposal (through the awesome public library, of course ;)).

What are you grateful for today?

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