Monday, December 9, 2013

The Baby Carrier

I don't know what I would do without the baby carrier!  How grateful I am to have gotten one as a baby gift (because it was definitely an item I was planning to buy!).  It has been indispensable in the airport when we went to Alabama.  And for the last two days it has been worn by both my husband and me at the Nativity event. 

See, we went, not only to enjoy the nativities on display, but also to help out a friend with the poinsettias which were purchased by congregants and placed beautifully around all the displays.  And when you're trying to do a whole lot of stuff, it sure helps to have 2 hands!!  Enter the baby carrier!  And aside from the fact that our sweet little cherub is quite grabby these days -- and likes the color red (and pretty much anything else that is a no-no within arm's reach), we were able to get so much more done while wearing the baby than we ever could have otherwise!  (We just had extra little hands to keep out of the way ;)). 

And then today, while I was there for a few hours this morning, I was toting her around in it again.  And she started falling asleep, even in the out-facing position, so I turned her around and she took a nap.  All while I helped people who were there to pick up poinsettias. 

Not only do I love it...  She does too.  She was a happy baby the entire time.  Several people commented on her mellowness and happiness.  And I have to agree, considering she was strapped to Mom (or Dad) for a total of 7 hours over the last couple of days.

Now if I could just take the time to use it more around the house... I might get more Christmas treats done!

What are you grateful for today?

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