Thursday, December 19, 2013

Clean Water

I think sometimes, even when I am looking for the good things in every day, I easily overlook the little things...  That are really the bigger things.  Okay, I probably do that more than sometimes.

For some reason, last night, clean water popped into my head.  The truth is, I rarely acknowledge what a blessing it is to be able to go to my water faucet, turn it on, and have clean water pour out.

I can use it to bathe (and I do like my *warm* showers).  I can use it to cook.  I can use it to wash clothes.  I can drink it.  (Granted, we filter our water here, since my husband grew up on well-water and doesn't enjoy the chlorine taste of city water...  But we don't have to filter it for it to be safe.)

Fresh, pure, clean water is a thing I've always had.  And so I rarely consider what a blessing it truly is.  But last night it popped into my head.

Water is a necessity of life.  And it sometimes boggles my mind to realize not everyone is blessed to have it so plentifully -- or so easily and cleanly.

I'm also grateful that, as part of being prepared, we are counseled to have fresh water in the event of an emergency.  And I'm grateful that we have made that a priority, and that we've found a convenient way to rotate it.

Because, though I've never had to know what it's like for clean water to be a scarcity...  The truth is, it could happen.  Consider some of the recent natural disasters.

So, hopefully, as I sip my water multiple times a day, I'll start being more aware of what a blessing it is.  And remember to be grateful for those small things that really aren't so small.

What are you grateful for today? 

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