Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Opportunities to Laugh at Myself!

I make a lot of mistakes.  A lot.  And the vast majority of them are way worse than the one pictured above. 

Because, contrary to what our Christmas cards may have said...  Our last name isn't Henderson...  And the message I would have included on our Christmas card definitely wasn't the one that actually was included (I mean, I think that's a pretty lame Christmas message...).

But that's what happens when you're human.  And I definitely am!  I got so focused on the pictures I wanted to include in our annual Christmas card that I forgot to edit the text that is automatically included in the sample cards by Wal-Mart.  Guess who won't ever make that mistake again...

The truth is, when I first realized my mistake (as I lay in bed feeling kind of sick and overly tired about 3 hours after I'd ordered them), I was horrified.  And on the verge of a panic attack.  Had I really just ordered our Christmas cards with the wrong last name!?!  Who does that!?!

After listening to me blowing out huge sighs of hot air (while I was trying to relax and decompress over this issue), my husband asked me what was on my mind.  So I told him.  And you know what he did?  He laughed

And I couldn't help but laugh too.  And the more we talked about it, the harder he laughed.  And the harder I laughed.  And the less stressed I was.  He finally asked what last name was on the card, and when I told him...  For some reason that was the best laugh ever.

And once I'd decided he was right:  that it wasn't that big a deal and I might as well embrace it and play it up...  Well, it just became one of my classic Nilla stories for the memory book.  And I had a couple friends tell me they hoped it would come in with the wrong last name -- and that I should put a different last name every year!  Haha...

So there you have it.  I'm human.  I make mistakes.  And when I do something like this...  Well, I might as well just laugh about it and be grateful that I can.  Because as someone once said:  "As long as you can laugh at yourself, you will never cease to be amused."

So, Merry Christmas from the Hendersons.  And from us too ;).

What are you grateful for today?

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