Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Cards

There's just something wonderful about Christmas cards...  For one thing, they aren't bills!  Haha...  Or junk mail ;).  It's nice to go to the mail box and feel excited that there may be something there that isn't one of those two items!  And with today's world of emails and texting and blogging and cell phones and facebook...  Well, it's generally easier to skip the snail mail route.  I know I usually do.  Except for at Christmas time.  And what a treat to get real -- exciting -- mail. 

I even get all excited about sending out Christmas cards :).  I love to get them ordered and write up the family letter (though it took me way longer than anticipated this year!) and send them out.  Even if they end up getting sent with a hideous (hilarious) mistake!

The last few years, I've started hanging up the cards we have received on a wall in the house.  It adds to our Christmas cheer.  And it makes me grateful even more for those cards that bring a smile, because we know they've been sent with love by those we love.

What are you grateful for today?

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