Sunday, December 29, 2013


That package I mentioned that contained the smile-making twinkies?  Yeah, it also had these!  (For baby girl, not me, in case you were wondering ;)). 

What was cool about this is that I was planning to buy some of these for her, but hadn't made it to the store since before Christmas, so it didn't happen.  And then...  There they were!  So awesome.  And sweet potato puffs too!  She loves sweet potatoes.

Anyway, I am grateful for these things, because they are a great stepping stone into helping our sweet girl learn how to eat things with more substance, but they are safer than starting her with Cheerios or crackers, because she's less likely to choke on them.  Because they disintegrate so quickly!  Love that about them.

I also love that they have the added bonus of being entertainment too!  (Possibly more for us as we watch her attempt to get them in her mouth...).  In all seriousness, though...  These were great for church today.  I'd put one in my hand and let her grab it out and spend 30 seconds to a minute trying to figure out how to eat it.  Then repeat.  Kept her quiet for a good long while! 

Plus, she's learning more fine-tuned motor skills.  Extra bonus there! 

So all around, these puffs are awesome.  And I'm totally getting more of them.  It's sort of bittersweet as it's just one more stage proving that my baby is growing up...  But it's a good thing.  And I'm grateful to have things like this available to me to help her as she grows, learns, and develops... and eats!

What are you grateful for today?

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