Saturday, June 14, 2014

Feminine Hygiene Dispensers in the Bathrooms

Okay, this may qualify as the most TMI post I've ever written.  Ever.  But even in the midst of this occurrence, I just knew it had to be my grateful for today.

Because today I found myself in a situation which caused me huge amounts of gratitude that there are feminine hygiene dispensers in the women's bathrooms of most places (and fortunately the place I was in had one -- and they were free, which was a bonus).  I've never had occasion to require this nice courtesy, so it's never been so important to me before.  But today changed that.

I didn't have the diaper bag with me (because I didn't have the baby with me), and that's where I keep my emergency stash for moments like this one.  And I was in the middle of something that I couldn't just easily walk away from (as in leave my location and go to a store really quick).  In fact, I didn't even have a vehicle, since I rode with someone else.

And due to other details...  Without those dispensers, I dare say this had the potential of being quite the embarrassing conundrum.  And I am ever so grateful it didn't have to turn into that...

So, though this is my most TMI post (in the history of ever)...  Well, it happens.  And I can't deny my gratitude today for something I've taken for granted every other time I've walked into a women's restroom.

What are you grateful for today?

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