Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kristin N

Jelly shoes.  Two pairs of jelly shoes.  Hers and mine.  And these are only one item on the list of things that make me think of Kristin.  Make me glad I know her.  Make me glad to call her friend.  They make me think of her and all of the memories we've made over the years.  And here are some more items that make me think of her.  Just because they make me smile.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream.  The green kind.  And ONLY the green kind.  Kristin shares my love for this classic ice cream.  We've been known to sit in the (now no longer) children's librarian's office and chow down on some of this deliciousness.  For breakfast.

The page rec room.  The hidden space under the (now no longer) public library where we both worked.  The place where we had to crawl along in the dark (well, by flashlight), hunched over, going down dirt inclines so we could reach the wall and sign our names -- in white-out.

Mr. J's.  The (now no longer) restaurant where she and Julie and I ate out when her (now no longer) baby was a baby. 

Saturday lunches 14 years ago.  Where we all scheduled our lunch for the same time.  And where maybe, just maybe, Kristin got scared at a traffic light when someone ran up to her car and knocked on the window...

The toddler sit & spin.  And maybe a few blackmail pictures of adults who used it...

Rainbow Brite.  At Applebee's.  On the bookmobile.  And at the Golden Peanut.  Because sometimes, you just have to take an awesome 80s doll and show her around Dothan.

The (empty) new library she took me through to tour.  Just because she knew it'd mean something to me.

Things & Wings, where we'd meet up for a meal when I was back visiting from T-town.

Lysol spray.  That was practically thick enough to swim in sometimes in that hallway outside of the (now no longer) Children's Room.  Yes, we know why you sprayed it, Kristin :).

Arguing dinner versus supper.  And knowing "dinner" will win every time ;).

Truthfully, the memories are endless.  Memories from Monday nights at the public library.  Or weekends when the cool crew worked.  Memories of her daughter who loved cheese as a toddler.  Memories of just doing silly things -- because we could.  Sharing a love of all things 80s.  And remembering one of the most important things Kristin has ever told me:  don't forget the toilet paper.

 What are you grateful for today?

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