Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Unflavored Gelatin

So several months ago, when I did the Halloween Party, I bought a bunch of unflavored gelatin for a recipe.  It was for Jell-O worms.  Let me say that the result was pretty awesome.  But, for me at least, not worth the effort and cost it took to make them. 

What I ended up with was 20-some-odd leftover packets of unflavored gelatin.  And they'd just been hanging out in my cabinet for several months.  And I didn't really give a whole lot of thought to what I would do with them.  I mean, if not for those worms, I'd have never even considered buying unflavored gelatin.  What would I ever use it for?

But then my munchkin got big enough to start eating "real" food.  And I made her Jell-O jigglers.  And she loved them

But I got to thinking about all the dye in the Jell-O.  And all the sugar.  And while I have no problem ingesting the stuff...  I kind of care a whole lot more about what my baby girl is consuming.  (Funny how that works...) 

And then I had a light-bulb moment.  What if I just used all those unflavored gelatin packets with fruit juice (like apple and grape) and made healthy jigglers!  (We like to call them jell-os in our household...)

And so I gave it a go.  And voilà!  It worked!  And she loves them.  And I love that they are made with 100% juice and no artificial colors.  So that's what I made today:  apple juice jellos. 

What are you grateful for today?

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