Saturday, June 21, 2014

My De-Allergen-izer

What's that you say?  Well, if you have an old bra strap, a scrap piece of fabric from some old warm up pants, a couple of safety pins, and a husband who has the genius and skill equivalence of Macgyver...  Well, you can have one too!  A de-allergen-izer.  (I made that name up).

So today was easily the worst allergy day I've had so far this year.  And it was awful.  In more ways than one.  I sneezed a lot.  So much that my chest started hurting.  My nose itched a lot.  And drove me crazy. 

Let me say, this did not do good things for my mood.  I was definitely a grumpster today.  And I dare say my {bad} mood was catching.  Until early afternoon when my husband (with his Macgyver-like skills) decided there had to be some way to help me.  Probably he was just hoping for a less grumpy wife.  So he disappeared into our bedroom and got into his scrap fabric stuff.  And then he brought me this.  And I put it on.

And I don't care how ridiculous (or ghetto-fabulous) I looked....  It worked!  I could actually breathe -- through my nose! -- and not sneeze my head off.  And yes, my mood improved.

Granted, I won't wear it in public...  But every day I'm home and feel the allergies creeping in...  You can bet I'll be donning this gem. 

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

Janet said...

That's awesome! My allergies have been terrible, so much that my eyes burn and I want to scratch my eyeballs out. I have sores on the back of my throat from itching and I can't stop complaining myself. To my husband none-the-less. :) Zyrtec has always been great for my allergies in the past, but I'm afraid it's just not cutting it any more. :(