Thursday, June 5, 2014

Our Budget

If I'm being completely honest about it, I will have to admit that while I am grateful for the budget my sweetie and I strive to adhere to, sometimes I'm not really grateful to be grateful for it ;)...

I kind of like to spend moolah...

But the budget is a great thing.  It helps us stay on track.  It helps us be able to examine where our money is going (I'll admit it... a lot of it goes on food in some form or another...).  It allows us to see trends.  And it gives us a point of reference for when we need to discuss increasing or decreasing a line item.

Just in the last couple days we had occasion to take a look at our grocery budget as well as our gas budget.  Unfortunately, these two areas seem to be difficult for us to stay under budget.  I suspect the two things are related:  higher gas prices = higher grocery prices

True, in an ideal world, I would need no budget.  I could spend however much I wanted whenever I wanted and wherever I wanted.  (Okay, that might not be entirely ideal, but still...). 

But that's not reality for most people.  And it's probably better that way, anyway.  Because learning to go without is a good life lesson.  As is learning how to live within our means and having a safety net of savings.  And this budget helps us accomplish those things :).  So I'm grateful to have it!

What are you grateful for today?

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