Sunday, June 29, 2014

THRIVE Golden Cornbread Mix

Today we had a linger longer at church.  Basically, what this means, is after all the regular meetings were over (at 4), everyone who wanted to could hang around and eat and visit.  It was a potluck sort of thing, so we were supposed to bring something to share.

I remembered a week ago I needed decide what to make for it and put stuff on my grocery list for this.  But I forgot.  And then my friend Leslie reminded me yesterday morning on our hike.  And then I forgot about it, again.  Until after I'd gone to the grocery store.  Until after I'd attended an Eagle Scout Court of Honor -- with a toddler.  Until after I was beyond finished having to do stuff.  Especially anything requiring much effort (or ingredients, for that matter).

And then, like a light bulb flicking on, I remembered the box of THRIVE goodies I'd just gotten on Friday (since I decided to try my hand at being a consultant).  And, though what has drawn me to these products is really the vegetables and fruits and things like whole egg powder (I love that I can have eggs in my long-term food storage!), I remembered that also in those goodies was a can (or two) of golden cornbread mix.  With all the ingredients already in the mix.  And all I'd have to do was add water and pop it in the oven.  No measuring of many ingredients (just water), no softening of butter...  And for a Sunday morning last-minute dish, that was perfect. 

I suppose this may seem a shameless plug.  I don't intend it to be.  Because, seriously, this saved my bacon today...  or should I say 'my cornbread.'

What are you grateful for today?/

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