Friday, June 27, 2014

That We Have What We Need

I write often of a variety things which I tend to take for granted.  Warm showers, clean water, the ability to hear and taste...

Last night I watched a brief video that got me all teary-eyed.  True, I am a lot sappier now that I'm a mommy.  Apparently it comes with the territory.

Anyway, as I watched the video about a charity trying to improve the lives of people in parts of Ecuador, I had this overwhelming feeling of knowing how blessed our family is that we have what we need.  How blessed I am that I have what I need.  The part that really got to me was when the narrator spoke of the infant and child mortality rate prior to the work of this charity.  A mortality rate that was quite high, because the children didn't get the nutrients they needed. 

And I thought of my little girl.  Thought of how healthy she is.  How full of life.  And I thought of how much I love her.  And I couldn't help but think of how much those mothers in Ecuador must love (and have loved) their children as well.  How much they must want (and have wanted) to be able to give their children everything they need, and how it must hurt them when they can't.

And I realized how grateful I should be and how grateful I am that I have those things that I need.  That I always have, from the time I was a baby. And I'm grateful there are good people in this world who desire to help those less fortunate -- who set up charities such as this one about which I was learning. 

What are you grateful for today?

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